A month from now, I will be in a car heading back to that land of the winds. I'll take my daughter, my family, so that she may grow where I once grew.
I want her to know so many things: the power of the wind, and that she's protected from it. The joys of rain and snow, and why spring is such a big deal after all. I want her to have a backyard and kids to play with in the streets and trees to climb and hills for sledding.
Christmas-the-day this year may be hurried and harried, but this year we're all getting a fresh start. What better gift can I give my daughter and my husband and myself than that?
Thankful, today, with Ann.
Thankful for wind, the way it hustles and howls.
Thankful for first steps, and tentative grins when she falls.
Thankful for family and turkey and friends.
Thankful for Firefly, and the Annual Thanksgiving Rewatch.
Thankful for feeling better, after a weekend of mostly feeling crappy.
Thankful for new opportunities, for moving forward.
Thankful for renewed relationships with old friends.
Thankful for husband who loves through thick and thin.
Thankful for the way the light creeps across the wall all day.
Thankful for beauty even in the midst of chaos.